Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week 6 & 7

I have finally discovered, why as a child I was so rubbish at keeping a diary, it is so time consuming!!! I am rubbish at e-mails so my apologies to you all~!

The past couple of weeks have been busy. Finally getting a routine with School, private lesson's. It has been the Eistedffod (not sure if that is correct spelling!) Anyway this is a massive music competition here in Harare for all ages to get involved in. I have had a couple of my pupils enter and have had great results, so far to my knowledge an honours and two 2nd's, I must be doing something right! The School in general is having great results, so the music department is happy all round.

Olive and Paul are having their bathrooms re-done. Chaos has commenced and walls have been knocked down etc, progress has certainly taken shape in the past two weeks, it will look so lovely once complete. Last week John (Sean's father) was in Zim, so it was a very busy week indeed. We went to something called "The Barn Dance" to raise money to Stu's hockey tour in April. It was a fantastic evening of great entertainment all round, I am positive there were a few sore heads in the morning!

We also went to the Tippet's farm (Glenisla) for lunch on the Saturday. Dad you would be proud, I asked for a farm tour. Dave Tippet is a Tobacco/essential oil farmer. It was so amazing to see how the tobacco is harvested and the different stages it goes through to make your cigarettes! I was also driven around the farm, it was simply stunning. To finish off the tour we climbed a hill, this was tough most exercise I have done all year~! Let me tell you, it was certainly worth it, absolutely stunning and I got some great pictures.

My rehearsals over the past two weeks have been very slow indeed. Welcome to Africa - so I keep getting told! Arriving to no power, generator not being set up and using torches to see is a very interesting scenario and one I will have to come accustomed to very quickly!!

We have a band rehearsal this week, which was amazing - I forgotten how much I loved singing with a live band......I actually didn't do too badly either!

This weekend has been very quiet indeed. Had Ted & Carrie for supper last night, they come every Friday evening, so it was lovely seeing them both. Today we went to Marondara (Think that is how you spell it!) again for yet another Kids Birthday Party.......I think this is my 5th in 7 weeks! Claire and I then came home and collapsed after an exhausting day of children and eating far too much food!

Tomorrow - well it is Sunday - so the usual for me.....rehearsal 2-5pm!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week 4 & 5!

Well Tara kindly informed me that I hadn't updated my blog recently........I have just come on to see that week 4 never saved.........typical - so here we go again!

Week 4 was a short week at school again thanks to half term......god I love being a teacher, all these holidays are tremendous! I now have a healthy collection of budding vocalists, I am teaching 7 girls from Chisi and one of the teachers as well, so 8 in total! I tell you the easiest money I have ever made - ha ha :)

I have continued helping with the choirs and soloists for the local music competitions that start on March 8Th 2010 (so tomorrow!) it is massive in Zim and all the girls want to perform etc.

I started my rehearsals last Sunday - so far so good, cant complain. Everyone is really nice and I am getting on really well! The director is lovely, he is only 24 and has never directed in his life, think I am teaching him a thing or two on the way along, at least we get on as he is also the leading man!

Last week I was quite ill. Had a couple of visits to the doctors and the pharmacy - joys! I had to go on antibiotics for an upset stomach, due to the water over here - cheers Zim! I also later on in the week had a reaction to god knows what, my hands and eyes were swollen and I was covered in a rash,of course none of this stopped me from partying and having a good time!

Last Friday (26Th Feb) was a great evening. There was a group of us who went to see the "Blarney Brothers" to sum them up, 3 really old men playing Irish folk classics, it was raining and the marquee was soaked (we were wading through water) but this didn't stop anyone from having fun......Claire even managed to loose her flip flops....winner!

This week (week 5) has been good, teaching like crazy and going to my evening rehearsals, they are slow to start and I am always the first there, but you know the tortoise wins, not the hare!

On Wednesday evening we had a girls trip to Marondera (not sure if this is spelt correctly!!) This was a very funny evening indeed. We went to the Golf Shack (basically a very run down golf club!) lots of alcohol kept us amused until closing, then we went to a friends house. Claire and I enjoyed the free toast and tea and decided enough was enough bed. It started off with the two of us, and gradually this double bed filled up to 5 of us.......well that was it we were not waiting for Shelly any longer - the youngest has spoken, rounded the troops up and we headed back to Coleen's, where we were meant to be staying!!!

I was meant to be singing at the international junior swimming championships yesterday, but this didn't happen.....I still got paid, so happy days! The committee were too stingy to pay $30 for a mic system (long story cut very short indeed!) This meant that I got to go for a night out Friday night - yeah!

Friday night I had rehearsals then came home for some supper with Ted, Carrie, Sean & Claire. Claire then took me out to meet some people at Thirsty's bar (terrible name....I know!) From there we then went to Dukes Club. This was an open air club, it was mucho fun. On the way home we the boys I was with managed to get arrested. We had to go to the police station and I had to wait for an hour, it was very comical as all the policemen wanted to be my friend as I was from Scotland............1 hour & $60 later we headed off home!

Saturday was a hung over chilled day, sleeping, eating rubbish and bed very early!

Today the sun finally decided to come out for the first time in about a week and a half, so I did a bit of sun bathing in the little time I had. I had my 3 hour rehearsal this afternoon, went shopping this evening and have really not done very much - heavenly!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 3 -ZIm Adventures!

Hello to one and All!

Well its been an interesting week. Sean & Claire went to South Africa for the week, so Olive and I were left to look after the kids, the joys! It was hard work for Olive, don't think I can really take much credit......I was more of a support barrier in times of need!

I had a short week of school this week, due to half term. Started my private lesson's which seemed to go well and also found out that I got the part of Scaramouch in "We Will Rock You" - so I really have my work cut time to go see other parts of Africa for'll be worth it though!

My week has been quiet, despite the darling children! Olive and I had a lovely week together catching up and drinking.....we had to stay sane somehow! On Friday night I went to a BBQ with some of Tim's friends, it was a very drunken but fun evening, spent most of Saturday in bed and all of Sunday (Today) sunning's a hard life!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day from Zim!

Hello everyone - Happy Valentines day I hope you were all spoilt!

Since my last blog I have been a very busy lady indeed. Had a successful first week at school, got paid $30 for 3 1/2 hours work - quite good for this country! I also did further sun bathing, and had a sociable week, eating out most nights or people came to the Parkin house for supper.

Saturday (13th Feb) was eventful, I went and auditioned for a role in 7 arts theatre's production of "We will rock you" so fingers crossed everyone! Tim and I then went to Twenty20 Cricket, lots of sun and booze, eventful day meeting lots of Tim's friends, I will not have a social life once he leaves this Wednesday for Kenya. We partied hard, drank lots and had fun drink driving home, which you can do in this country.....thankfully I can't remember the journey home. The first Cricket match I have ever been to and I must say it was such fun!

Today (Valentines day) I felt sorry for myself as I was very hungover - self inflicted, no sympathy! We went to Ted & Carrie's for Sunday lunch and spent most of the day in their gorgeous swimming pool, a very chilled day and something you need after a heavy nights boozing session!

Back to School for me tomorrow - a hard days work of only half an hour - bliss! x

Monday, February 8, 2010

Zimbabwe Adventures Day 8,9 & 10

Well the weekend was very relaxed indeed, despite the kids party first thing Saturday morning! I spent Saturday afternoon with Claire and the kids. We went to see Sal's (Claire's friend) new house, which is not far from Sean & Claire's and it is also in Mount Pleasant. It was beautiful and has so much potential. Cameron was the first to christen the pool as he swan around whilst we drank tea and I of course caught some sun.

We then went to Paul & Olive's for a swim at Granny's! I even went swimming, it was a laugh and great fun throwing Cameron around the pool! That evening we went to Kari (Sean & Claire's friend) 30th Birthday party. It was great meeting people and have an evening out and I am sure they all partied until the early hours of the morning!

Sunday was very relaxed. We spent the day at Olive' and Paul's. The sun was out in force and my tan is certainly coming along nicely, even managed to get burnt as I feel asleep in the sun......oops, I am sure it will be brown in a couple of days! We had a lovely BBQ and all relaxed, swam, it was great fun.

Today (Monday) was the start of my new job. I was only needed for 30 mins, what a bonus! It will probably take a week or so to build up as I am teaching private tuition as well as helping during break times and the choirs. Break time and choir only adds up to 4 hours, well something like that, so lets hope all the darling girls wand private tuition!

I have also spent the weekend driving around Zim with Sean and Claire directing me. Well today I was on my own and managed to get from A - B with no problems! There is certainly no highway code in this country, driving is always interesting especially when traffic lights don't work!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Zimbabwe Adventures Day 6 & 7

Hello Hello

Well I can't believe it has been a week already - time certainly pass quickly when you are relaxed. According to my darling family my last couple of blogs has been rather depressing......thanks for the support guys!

Last couple of days have been very relaxed, done a spot of sunbathing, trampolining, healthy eating and have had long lies - its been bliss!

Today (Friday) was a very interesting day indeed, I'm also rather proud of myself - nothing like blowing your own trumpet - something I don't do very often! On Thursday evening I contacted the head of music at Chisipite Senior School and she invited me for an interview today and guess what I got a job! I am working with the girls on the performance and professionalism of becoming a performer and what they should expect and present themselves. I will also being working with the choirs and vocal techniques etc - very exciting.

After my success, Claire, Olive, Carol (Olive's friend), Carly (Claire's friend) & I went out for lunch. It was a lovely afternoon great food and drinks flowing. We then came back to Claire and Sean's for a bit of sun and a cup of tea!

My new employer had invited me to go to her house for a drink to celebrate her 73 birthday - yes she is 50 years older than me - a lovely lady with a delightful family. I finally got to meet Caro (Tess thank you for the contact) who put me in touch with Di Wright with regards to a job at Chisi. Turns out Caro is Di's daughter and the head of the Art department at Chisi.

Claire and I returned home with a Chinese and spent a lovely evening with Ted (Claire's Father) and Carrie (his wife).

Tomorrow we are going to another kids birthday party - this is a popular theme in Zim as I am quickly discovering.......I am the only one who has not got a child at these parties, thank god!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Zimbabwe Adventure - Day 4 & 5 (1st & 2nd Feb 2010)

Hi All,

Well the last couple of days have been quite quiet. Finished my second book today, never thought I'd see the day - it was the Cheryl Cole book and was actually quite interesting, never realised how hard she worked prior to the pop star the rivals days. Anyway enough about my book and back to the trip so far.

Yesterday (day 4) was spent with Olive. She came and collected in around 10:30am and we went for a coffee prior to collecting Cameron from school. I have been eaten alive by mosquitoes and my legs are covered in massive nasty bites, they clearly love the Scottish blood, but I am certainly not appreciating them! Olive took me to the Pharmacy to get antihistamine, which I took after lunch. This was not a good idea as it totally knocked me for 6 and to be honest I really didn't see much of the day or night. I did get a bit of sun though, before it started raining again!

Last night was an early night, bed by 9pm and didn't wake until 10am the following day.

Today (day 5) was a similar start, as Olive come to collect me prior to getting Cameron from school. He goes to a very lovely nursery school called 'Rainbow school' and his teacher is Auntie Shelly, I also learnt today that Auntie Shelly also teaches the swimming lessons in Olive & Paul's pool every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and today Cameron swam without arm bands for the first time!

Whilst the swimming lessons were taking place Claire, Tim, Grant (Tim's Friend) and I went out for lunch. We had a lovely afternoon before Claire and I returned to collect Cameron from Granny's. It has been quite sunny today and now my legs are covered in a heat rash to add to the mos bites, really not attractive!

I have been very healthy for the past couple of days, have only eaten meats, fruit and salads - what has happened to me?!? I even bounced on the trampoline for 30 mins nearly killed me but my iPod kept me going......thank god!

Tonight will be a quiet one as Claire had work today and has been rushed off her feet. Claire works Monday & Tuesday's for half a day both days selling Aloe Vera Products and Sean works all week for a company based at the airport, he is an electrician.

Well I hope all is well in Scotland/UK

All my love xxxxxxxx

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Zimbabwe Day 2 & 3

Well Everyone,

I am sad to say that it is still raining, I came to Africa for sun not this! Yesterday we went to family friends of Claire & Sean's for a 6 year old birthday party. I managed 20 Min's of sun before the heavens opened for more down pours of rain.......for the rest of the day and night!

I met a lot of lovely people (& kids obviously!) and we had a BBQ and ate yet more food....I simply haven't stopped eating since I arrived, not cool! The friends lived on a Farm called Glenisla and it was beautiful. Gave me an idea of the farm life that Claire & Sean once had and the area that they use to live in - simply stunning.

Last night was very chilled and we ate more take out! I can't believe how early everyone goes to bed and gets up, something I will have to get use to very quickly - my Cheryl Cole book is nearly done, 2 down.......2 to go!

Today as it was Sunday was a very relaxed morning, despite Cameron's hyper mood, Spider man is his new friend......but he really doesn't know who he is! The troops were all assembled and we left for weekly trip to the Coco Tree, a lovely coffee and chocolate shop (amazing!) Cameron got to look at the huge fish and we had Scones (very British!) then we left and went to the supermarket, this was interesting and yes they have most things that we have!

We then went to the Realtion's for lunch. I met them at Andy & Careen's wedding last year. They are a lovely family and welcomed me with open arms. We had an amazing lunch and drank lots. Finally the sun came out and the Bikini was on! They has a lovely pool, which was freezing but I promised Cameron that I would go in with him. I had about 45 Min's of Sun before it left and the rain began again......are you sensing a theme!

We came back to the house and Claire and I had a long chat and drank more whilst the lightening was flashing in the background. Tomorrow Cameron is at School and Sean & Claire are working. Therefore I will have a peaceful morning followed by lunch with Olive. I have already seen her house which is gorgeous and it will be lovely spending time with her.

I have e-mailed my contact with regards to teaching in Chisi (Senior school in Zim) and still waiting to hear from her. I may take up private lessons if I desperately need the money, at the moment no problem of that, therefore I will relax and enjoy my first couple of weeks in Zim.

Love to you all xxxx

Friday, January 29, 2010

Zimbabwe Adventure - Day 1

Hi there everyone,

Well I have arrived in one piece! Left from Edinburgh Airport on Thursday 28th January 2010, waved goodbye to my mum, Lynne and Andy and went on my travels. Arrived to meet my gran at Gatwick Airport to have lunch before my connecting flight with Air Zimbabwe. 10 hours of no flight entertainment (Thanks for the tip Tara!) and 1 1/2 books later........can't remember the last time I read a book, I landed in Zimbabwe. Sean collected my from the airport and took me to my new home for the next 5 months.

I arrived to heavy rain and massive thunder storms - really not cool and yes I was scared. I am also living in the wrong house as they have two cats that are certainly going to torment me~!

Everyone is well and Cameron and Angus are gorgeous!

I had an afternoon sleep and then Olive, Paul and Stuart came over for supper - this consisted of to a healthy start.....not!

Its still raining and tomorrow we are heading to friends of Sean and Claire. We are going to spend the day at their farm.

Despite the lack of sunshine, I can't really complain! Day 1 huge success and thankfully the flight wasn't delayed!

Lots of love xxx xxx xxx xxx