Monday, February 8, 2010

Zimbabwe Adventures Day 8,9 & 10

Well the weekend was very relaxed indeed, despite the kids party first thing Saturday morning! I spent Saturday afternoon with Claire and the kids. We went to see Sal's (Claire's friend) new house, which is not far from Sean & Claire's and it is also in Mount Pleasant. It was beautiful and has so much potential. Cameron was the first to christen the pool as he swan around whilst we drank tea and I of course caught some sun.

We then went to Paul & Olive's for a swim at Granny's! I even went swimming, it was a laugh and great fun throwing Cameron around the pool! That evening we went to Kari (Sean & Claire's friend) 30th Birthday party. It was great meeting people and have an evening out and I am sure they all partied until the early hours of the morning!

Sunday was very relaxed. We spent the day at Olive' and Paul's. The sun was out in force and my tan is certainly coming along nicely, even managed to get burnt as I feel asleep in the sun......oops, I am sure it will be brown in a couple of days! We had a lovely BBQ and all relaxed, swam, it was great fun.

Today (Monday) was the start of my new job. I was only needed for 30 mins, what a bonus! It will probably take a week or so to build up as I am teaching private tuition as well as helping during break times and the choirs. Break time and choir only adds up to 4 hours, well something like that, so lets hope all the darling girls wand private tuition!

I have also spent the weekend driving around Zim with Sean and Claire directing me. Well today I was on my own and managed to get from A - B with no problems! There is certainly no highway code in this country, driving is always interesting especially when traffic lights don't work!

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