Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 3 -ZIm Adventures!

Hello to one and All!

Well its been an interesting week. Sean & Claire went to South Africa for the week, so Olive and I were left to look after the kids, the joys! It was hard work for Olive, don't think I can really take much credit......I was more of a support barrier in times of need!

I had a short week of school this week, due to half term. Started my private lesson's which seemed to go well and also found out that I got the part of Scaramouch in "We Will Rock You" - so I really have my work cut time to go see other parts of Africa for'll be worth it though!

My week has been quiet, despite the darling children! Olive and I had a lovely week together catching up and drinking.....we had to stay sane somehow! On Friday night I went to a BBQ with some of Tim's friends, it was a very drunken but fun evening, spent most of Saturday in bed and all of Sunday (Today) sunning's a hard life!!!

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