Sunday, January 31, 2010

Zimbabwe Day 2 & 3

Well Everyone,

I am sad to say that it is still raining, I came to Africa for sun not this! Yesterday we went to family friends of Claire & Sean's for a 6 year old birthday party. I managed 20 Min's of sun before the heavens opened for more down pours of rain.......for the rest of the day and night!

I met a lot of lovely people (& kids obviously!) and we had a BBQ and ate yet more food....I simply haven't stopped eating since I arrived, not cool! The friends lived on a Farm called Glenisla and it was beautiful. Gave me an idea of the farm life that Claire & Sean once had and the area that they use to live in - simply stunning.

Last night was very chilled and we ate more take out! I can't believe how early everyone goes to bed and gets up, something I will have to get use to very quickly - my Cheryl Cole book is nearly done, 2 down.......2 to go!

Today as it was Sunday was a very relaxed morning, despite Cameron's hyper mood, Spider man is his new friend......but he really doesn't know who he is! The troops were all assembled and we left for weekly trip to the Coco Tree, a lovely coffee and chocolate shop (amazing!) Cameron got to look at the huge fish and we had Scones (very British!) then we left and went to the supermarket, this was interesting and yes they have most things that we have!

We then went to the Realtion's for lunch. I met them at Andy & Careen's wedding last year. They are a lovely family and welcomed me with open arms. We had an amazing lunch and drank lots. Finally the sun came out and the Bikini was on! They has a lovely pool, which was freezing but I promised Cameron that I would go in with him. I had about 45 Min's of Sun before it left and the rain began again......are you sensing a theme!

We came back to the house and Claire and I had a long chat and drank more whilst the lightening was flashing in the background. Tomorrow Cameron is at School and Sean & Claire are working. Therefore I will have a peaceful morning followed by lunch with Olive. I have already seen her house which is gorgeous and it will be lovely spending time with her.

I have e-mailed my contact with regards to teaching in Chisi (Senior school in Zim) and still waiting to hear from her. I may take up private lessons if I desperately need the money, at the moment no problem of that, therefore I will relax and enjoy my first couple of weeks in Zim.

Love to you all xxxx

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